Study Looks Into The Effect of Vape Flavour Restrictions’ on Tobacco Sales
Study Looks Into The Effect of Vape Flavour Restrictions’ on Tobacco Sales
Tobacco harm reduction experts have long argued that restrictions of any one product, would lead to an increase in the sales of a counterpart. A recent study tested this hypothesis with regards to flavoured vaping products.
British smokers will be provided with free electronic cigarettes as a replacement for traditional cigarettes.
British smokers will be provided with free electronic cigarettes as a replacement for traditional cigarettes.
Ekspertimise raames pakub valitsus suitsutajatele tubakasigarettide asemel elektroonilisi seadmeid.
New EU regulation: Possible disappearance of disposable e-cigarettes by the end of 2026.
New EU regulation: Possible disappearance of disposable e-cigarettes by the end of 2026.
The proposed regulation establishes a new rule regarding the "use" of batteries and accumulators: all portable devices must have user-replaceable and removable batteries.
UK gives 1 million smokers an e-cigarette starter kit
UK gives 1 million smokers an e-cigarette starter kit
Inglismaal on umbes 5,4 miljonit suitsetajat ehk tasuta e-sigareti stardikomplekti saab pea iga viies suitsetaja.
Institute for Health Development: Lobbyists say e-cigarettes save lives
Institute for Health Development: Lobbyists say e-cigarettes save lives
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