13.10.23 17:13:37
Tobacco harm reduction experts have long argued that restrictions of any one product, would lead to an increase in the sales of a counterpart. A recent study tested this hypothesis with regards to flavoured vaping products.
07.07.23 12:44:57
Ekspertimise raames pakub valitsus suitsutajatele tubakasigarettide asemel elektroonilisi seadmeid.
25.05.23 14:19:13
The proposed regulation establishes a new rule regarding the "use" of batteries and accumulators: all portable devices must have user-replaceable and removable batteries.
02.05.23 10:10:45
Inglismaal on umbes 5,4 miljonit suitsetajat ehk tasuta e-sigareti stardikomplekti saab pea iga viies suitsetaja.
27.03.23 19:26:13
Slider Revolution is a PrestaShop advanced module for today’s skyward web design demands. Wrapped with cool features, it can turn dull and static designs into visually-grabbing, responsive websites wi