Why does an electronic cigarette "crackle"?

Why does an electronic cigarette "crackle"?

Don't worry, it's normal! The crackling occurs due to an increase in the temperature of the heating element.

Under the influence of heating, the liquid in the wick or cotton, which is inside the atomizer, reaches its boiling point, causing the characteristic crackling sound.

Propylene glycol, which is a component of e-cigarette liquid, has a boiling point of 185°C. When the atomizer is heated for the first time, its temperature rises very quickly and can result in rapid vaporization of the liquid.

Caution: the fact that the liquid crackles does not mean that the electronic cigarette is broken or about to explode. The maximum risk you may face is a slight possibility of hot droplets entering your mouth. It is a harmless but not the most pleasant sensation.

If your electronic cigarette crackles, it confirms that the current is passing through the heating element and that the atomizer is adequately supplied with liquid.

However, we must still note that if the device crackling is too strong, you should definitely check the correctness of the device's settings.

At the same time, if your electronic cigarette does not crackle, it is neither good nor bad. Not all heating elements are supposed to make sound.
